Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fledged Mocking Birds.

These are the fledgling's I
posted on 5/20/2012.

There were 4 babies. We located
3, the 4th we think was high up
in a tree. I don't know which of
these is which. They were hard  
to track .


Brenda's Arizona said...

SWEET! I can hear it desperate cry...

Ruth Hiebert said...

Baby birds are cute in their own comical way.I love these stray tufts of leftover fuzzies.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

How precious !
Love those little speckled breasts, and tufted haircuts :)
Awesome shots !

Christine said...

How sweet! My little mockingbird crew in the nest will be fledging very soon too!

Marie said...

I just love seeing all the spring babies! I hope you get a chance to stop by and see my proud Mama Mallard and her new ducklings. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are amazing photos, really great captures. and they are so cute.

Betty Manousos said...


what cute baby birds!

brilliant shots too! it takes a lot of patience and timing to get such good ones!

hope you have a great remainder of the week.

BlueShell said...

He's so tiny!!!
Gog bless you!