Friday, December 24, 2010

Barrd Owl.

I'm afraid this owl's Missing 
an eye. It just sat there and
let me take photos. 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

so sweet. i saw an owl once that was missing both eyes because teens shot it in the eye with paint ball guns. wild life kept it to take to schools to show kids what happenes when they shoot them. he could dive on his food by the sound of it hitting the ground. one eye is good enough for this guy. great shot

MedaM said...

These photos are really wonderful. It is interesting that this owl is almost the same color as the bark of the tree. I am sorry it missing an eye.

Carole said...

The pictures are beautiful. Where did you see the owl? You are very fortunate to be able to take pictures this time of year without freezing.

S. Etole said...

love both these and the eagles ...