Thursday, October 27, 2011

Candy Store early 1940's ?

I am told this was a store in the
early 1940's. It sold mostly goodies
for children. It is located way out in 
the country. 

It's not Haunted,......................
I don't think. Booooooooooooooo!
come inside and have some candy. Ooooooooooo


Ruth Hiebert said...

My father-in-law used to own a small country store. It probably was in a little better shape than this one,but this just brought back those memories. THanks.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

How neat to know this history - I never would've guessed candy store just seeing the pics.

MedaM said...

There is no longer children's noise arround; it's just an old wooden building remained in silence! Beautiful post, I really like it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my dad's parents had a store in Manasses GA much like this one. i like the closeup shots of all the pieces of the store. love the door and the steps

Reena said...

Wish I would have had one of those when I was growing up! How cool for the neighbor kids!

Christine said...

Love this! Makes a good scarey photo for October!

TexWisGirl said...

must have been a neat place to stop off on a road trip with the kids!

Deb said...

if only those walls could talk...a lot of history there...

Magia da Inês said...

º° ✿♫ ♪♫°
Olá, amigo!
Fotografias bonitas de acordo com o Halloween.
Bom fim de semana!
º° ✿♫ ♪♫°