Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring passed me by.

Spring seems to have exploded, and gone,
Just that fast.

I would like to thank all my blogger friends for your Prayers.
I am recovering from Hip joint replacement and doing verry
well. I'm doing home therapy for 6 weeks for the Hip. Then
on to Radiation treatments for Prostate cancer. For goodness
sake I just turned 70 and I seem to be falling apart LOL.


TexWisGirl said...

oh, sorry to hear about the cancer! but i know it is highly treatable so hope they caught it soon! hang in there! thanks for checking in and sharing some beauty today!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

can you move that house in the header on your lot next door for me? i love it. and the azaleas toooo.

S. Etole said...

Thinking of you and praying for renewed health. The flower is beautiful.

Marie said...

Thanks for sharing your spring with us. I pray everything continues going well for you. :)

A Brit in Tennessee said...

So very sorry to learn you have just gotten over your hip replacement surgery and now fighting the cancer..I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and pray your health be restored.
Lovely, lovely flowers, thank you for sharing with us.
Hugs friend,

Christine said...

so glad you're recovering and in therapy for your new hip. Still keeping you in my prayers dear friend! Love that old house in your header; I think Sandra and I both would like to have it!