Saturday, May 28, 2011

I would choose to be Free.

Oh Yes
Bought and paid for by a higher Power.
Freedom is a Birth right.
American Revolution.
Historical Midway  Church, Destroyed
once by hurricane and burned once 

The church was built in 1756 and burned
during the revolutionary war. It was rebuilt
in 1792. I seem to remember it was nearly
destroyed by a hurricane.
When the early political establishment 
discussed a name for this county; what
could be more appropriate than
LIBERTY.. county 

In those early days of Freedoms formation,
even before the first volley of hostility.Those
who came here were well off. Educators,
Doctors, lawyers, and above all Freedom 
Seekers. Like I'm reminded they risked all.
Their fortunes and their lives. 


TexWisGirl said...

very nice rememberance. beautiful places...

Mamabug said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are beautiful, i love the reflections photo used with your reflections on history. great post. i have been in that Midway church many times. would like to SEE it with my camera now

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful words and photos... Especially this weekend--we need to remember why we have our FREEDOM.... Thank God for those service men and women who did so much and are doing so much for US.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Freedom is something to be cherished and appreciates especially this weekend, when we should remember the sacrifices of so many. The first shot of the reflections was lovely.

The Retired One said...

Loved these photos and the fitting for Memorial Day!

Carole said...

Very nice pictures and especially like the words. Liberty County, so fitting for this special day of remembrance.