Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Update on Tomatoe Garden.

Forgive me But I had to
snap something.
I know you all must be tired of seeing so much green on
my post. But it is hot and I am confused, the birds
are confused. The sprinkler is running for the birds.
 I'm inside sitting, now watching out the window..

We used to be a nation of Farmers, but now
it's less than 2% of the population in the United
States. So a lot of us don't know What it takes
to grow food.
(Judith Redmond, "Full Belli Farms")

Grow maters grow.



Betsy Banks Adams said...

Once they turn RED, they will be yummy... We buy ours and they are never ever as good as home-grown ones.


Ruth Hiebert said...

Patience> :) These little guys will grow and give you some great eating.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

there is a "reason" you are called Snapper II, I know someone else who traced the growing maters last month. love the last one. maters are pretty and good to eat.
Snapper I

TexWisGirl said...

a watched tomato never grows... or something like that!

Carole said...

The pictures are great but I'd like to see a picture of the entire garden....please. Nothing worse than a whiney sister.