Friday, June 10, 2011

On vacation all the birds left also..

Get in sit down  shut up and Hold on!

Give up your day job painting Bird Boxes.
Go to work on the Rail Road.

Don't come un-hinged

Never run to fast and don't jump fences


MadSnapper n Beau said...

a lot of wisdome here, i may need those shells to shoot blogger, it is driving me nuts today

S. Etole said...

rust has such interesting stories to tell ...

TexWisGirl said...

came back to try a comment here again (after 3 tries earlier i gave up!) so, don't despair on the bluebird houses!!! just take some sandpaper, scrape it off and make it look rough and hope for next year!!!

Carole said...

Like your pics... much detail.