Monday, November 1, 2010

Meet Bud

Bud is an Orphaned Opossum.
Bud resides at the Oat Land Isl.
educational and nature center
near Savannah Ga.,Bud is 
well cared for. We visited the Center
on the day they had the annual
"Halloweene Hike" for children
and Adults.


Christmas-etc... said...

What a cutie! Just amazing actually!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

He looks like a young fella ?
Aren't they cute.... Opie comes to visit us every night, and get his all you can eat buffet :)
What great pictures, you captured him perfectly !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Bud is sooooo ugly he is adorable. and i had no idea they could be petted, i asume he was rasied there. the photos are great