Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kitty Cats

Above is Rudder my Grand daughter Megan's Cat.

Above is "Booger" my son Brian and his wife Daria's
Cat, and lets not forget Grand son Henry 2yr's old.
19 year old Booger is Henry's best friend.

Above is Noodle, Noodle is boarding with Megan

                                          Above (unknown)
                                      Cooper Hill Tenneesse    


A Brit in Tennessee said...

Ooh they are just beautiful!
Booger could pass for my Sydney who left this earth last year, and I miss him terribly.
So the third one is a visitor ?
Lol....we have traveling men too >^..^<
Great post...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful kitties, i do hope they don't look up and see that fine little bird that is up over there head in the branches. ha ha you know how much I love the one peeking through the fence since it has resided on my desktop for a week or so. kitty got bumped for my white flowers, but is in my desktop folder for future use

Anonymous said...

Papa, I know you have too many grand kitties to keep track of, but Booger is 20 1/2! Will be 21 if he makes it to July. Of course days spent with Henry could shorten any kitty's life!
Cute post!
