Saturday, April 9, 2011

Better View, Bream.

After several trys, I
did get a better view
of these Bream on the bed.
As Elvis Presley said
"Whole lot'a Shakin Going On"

God's world is full of Mystery and Wonder.
I have not seen this fellow today; yet !


Carole said...

Yes, it is a much better view... but the other was also nice. Like the heron. Can't wait to sit with him on the dock.

TexWisGirl said...

Great re-takes! Can see their lovely spots loud and clear now!

From the Kitchen said...

Love seeing those heron on my sister's dock in Florida. I don't think I've ever seen bream. Are they edible?


Ruth Hiebert said...

Great pictures.seeing they were taken through the water.This must be difficult.

Christine said...

You did a fantastic job on your retakes! Tell Bonnie those are some really good fish to eat. Along with some cheese grits and a mess of hush puppies! Don't get no better than that.

Lisa said...

This last photo is so peaceful. Stunning.

Thank you for stopping your kind words are grealy appricatied.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great underwater shots.

MedaM said...

Great and interesting photos as well as those from your previous post!