Wednesday, April 20, 2011

North Ga. Mocking Bird.

Hope this makes you SMILE !!

I had to smile when I saw this Mocking Bird at
the suit feeder. It's leg seemed so long.
Maybe from running along the ridges of
North Georgia. he he he


TexWisGirl said...


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a sweet little birdie!

Christine said...

These are little rascals; they drive my poor little dog crazy every summer. When I let her outside they always want to dive bomb her!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I wish i had me some long scrawnly legs like he does.

Anonymous said...

I was in Germany the last few weeks and I wished I could have gotten a snappshot of the Woodpecker that thought a metall television antenne was a lauter way to comunicate then hitting on wood. One could hear that crazy bird throughout my mothers house. It's good to be back and some photos will follow ones we are done with family reunion at our house.
I allways love your photos and I did show them off in Germany. heidi

TexWisGirl said...

i couldn't get the comment to work on your new spring post. but that top photo of the butterfly amid blooms is just gorgeous!

MedaM said...

These lovely photos really made me smile. :-)